Upcoming Services
Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg
Wednesday, February 5th, 5:00 PM – Vespers & Matins in the Tikhvin Church
Thursday, February 6th, 9:30 AM – Divine Liturgy in the Tikhvin Church
New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church
Sunday of the Publican & the Pharisee
Saturday, February 8th, 5:00 PM – Vigil Service
Sunday, February 9th, 9:30 AM – Divine Liturgy
Parish Blini!
February 23rd
The Miraculous Kursk Mother of God Icon will be at the services!
News, Services & Events
January 6-7, 2025: The Lord’s Nativity ~ 6-7 января 2025: Рождество Христово
December 7-8, 2024: Visit of the Pochaev Mother of God Icon, Bishop Luke & the Holy Trinity Seminary Choir
Exaltation of the Cross, Great Procession, Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, Holy Hierarch John of San Francisco, Optina Elders
September 11-12, 2024: Feast Day of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral ~ 11-12 сентября 2024: Престольный праздник Св. Александро-Невского собора
August 27-28, 2024: The Dormition of the Mother of God
August 19, 2024: The Transfiguration of Our Lord (2nd Savior)
August 13-14, 2024: Procession of the Holy Cross (1st Savior)
July 16-17, 2024: Holy Royal Martyrs
July 8-9, 2024: Feast Day of Our Lady of Tikhvin Church ~ 8-9 июля 2024 г.: Престольный праздник Тихвинского храма
June 22-23, 2024: Pentecost – the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Troitsa)
June 12-13, 2024: The Ascension of Our Lord
June 11-12, 2024: Leavetaking of Pascha (Otdanie Paschi)
May 25, 2024: 6th Anniversary of Fr. Valery's Repose
May 7, 2024: Bright Tuesday / St. George's Day
НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи и фотографий.
May 6, 2024: Bright Monday
April 29-May 5, 2024: Passion Week & Pascha in our Parish!
April 6-7, 2024: The Annunciation of the Theotokos
CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи и фотографий.
2024: Great Lenten Epistle of +Met. Nicholas
February 14-15, 2024: The Meeting of the Lord ~ 14-15 февраля 2024 г.: Сретение Господне
CLICK HERE for photos.
НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для фотографий.
January 28, 2024: Concert of the Matushka Irina Jubilee Choir at her 90th Birthday Celebration
January 27-28, 2024: Hierarchal Services & Celebration of Matushka Irina's 90th Birthday
НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи и фотографий.
CLICK HERE for downloadable photos taken by our parishioner Andrei Jackamets!