2018 Photo Gallery & Archives
Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Jonah
and the Holy Trinity Seminary Choir
15-16 December
2 Bishops Visit our Cathedral
8-9 December
On December 8-9, the 25th Sunday after Pentecost, Divine Liturgy was celebrated in St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral by two hierarchs: Bishop Irenei of Rockland & Western Europe and Bishop George of Canberra.
CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
8-9 декабря, в 25-ю неделю по Пятидесятнице, Божественную литургию в Св. Александро-Невском соборе совершали два иерарха: епископ Канберрский Георгий и епископ Ричмондский и Западно-Европейский Ириней.
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The Entrance into the Temple of the Theotokos
Parish Sisterhood Feast Day
December 4
Our hard-working Sisterhood members each received a blessing from His Grace Bishop George of Canberra and a lovely bouquet of flowers. The Sisterhood helps the parish in many ways, such as cooking and serving agape every Sunday and for major feast days, preparing pussywillows for Palm Sunday, and flowers for Pentecost and for framing the icons of the major feast days.
6-Month Anniversary of Fr. Valery's Repose
November 25
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Parish Pelmeni
November 18
A fun, family day with great food, music by Yuri & Ilona and dancing! There was a lot of excitement over the beautiful raffle baskets. Leni Dmitrienko played the bayan, and everyone sang along. The food was donated, prepared and served by the Dmitrienko family in memory of their parents, Ivan and Helen. The proceeds were donated to the Church, Benevolent and Flower funds. A big thank-you to the Dmitrienko family and Memory Eternal, Ivan and Helen!
Jordanville Pilgrimage
October 27-28
Oct. 22-24: Triennial Diocesan Assembly
22-24 октября: Трехгодичное Епархиальное собраниеFrom Monday the 22nd through Wednesday the 24th of October, the triennial Eastern American Diocesan Assembly was held at the Diocesan Center at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ.
CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
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Slavic Festival | Славянский фестиваль
September 30 | 30 сентября
Patronal Feast Day | Престольный Праздник
September 11-12 | 11-12 сентября
On Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday the 12th of September – the feast of the Translation of the Relics of the Holy Right-Believing Great Prince Alexander Nevsky – Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York led the All-Night Vigil and celebrated Divine Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral in Howell, NJ, in honor of its patronal feast day. Prior to the start of Vigil, the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God arrived at the cathedral, and was greeted in procession by the clergy.
CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
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The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos | Успение Пресвятой Богородицы
August 28 | 28 августа
Three Feasts of the Saviour | Три Спаса
Annual Cossack Picnic at St. George's Church
August 12
Tikhvin Church Steps Repaired by Parishioners
Grateful to Yuri & Iryna Steblak, Maryna Boykova & Tania Vakhmianina for coming together to complete this enormous task!
Cathedral Steps Repaired by Parishioner
Grateful to our dear parishioner Givi for his monumental effort!
St. Vladimir's Day Celebrations | Владммирские торжества
July 29 | 29 июля
On Sunday, July 29, the annual St. Vladimir’s Day Celebrations at St. Vladimir Memorial Church to the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus’ in Jackson, NJ opened with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, led by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad. CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
В воскресенье, 29 июля, ежегодные Владммирские торжества при Св. Владимирском храме-памятнике 1000-летию Крещения Руси в гор. Джексон, шт. Нью-Джерси, открылись служением Божественной литургии, которую возглавил Первоиерарх Русской Зарубежной Церкви митрополит Восточно-Американский и Нью-Йоркский Иларион. НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи и фотографий.
Metropolitan Hilarion leads Feast of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
July 9
On Monday, July 9, the feast of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York arrived at the Diocese Center where he led the patronal feast day of Our Lady of Tikhvin Church. CLICK HERE to read more...
В понедельник, 9 июля, в день празднования Тихвинской иконы Божией Матери, митрополит Восточно-Американский и Нью-Йоркский Иларион прибыл в административный центр епархии, где возглавил престольный праздник Тихвинского храма. НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи...
Bishop Nicholas leads services for St. John of Shanghai
July 1-2
On Sunday, July 1, Eastern American Diocesan vicar Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan arrived at the Diocesan Center to take part in the feast day celebrations of the Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai & San Francisco, and to commemorate the ever-memorable Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov. CLICK HERE to read more...
В воскресенье, 1 июля, викарий Восточно-Американской епархии епископ Манхэттенский Николай прибыл в административный центр епархии, чтобы принять участие в праздновании дня памяти свят. Иоанна Шанхайского и Сан-Францисского и почтить память приснопамятного протопр. Валерия Лукьянова. НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи...
Hierarchal Liturgy with 2 Choirs
June 23-24
Metropolitan Hilarion leads Divine Services in Diocesan Center as Renowned Conductors direct Two Choirs - CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
Митрополит Иларион возглавил богослужения в Епархиальном центре, за которыми пели два хора под управлением знаменитых регентов - НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи и фотографий.
Dear in the Lord parishioners and friends.
On behalf of my mother, Mat. Irina, my brothers, and our entire family, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your prayers and support at the repose of our beloved Fr. Valery. The outpouring of condolences from all over the world and the hundreds of you who attended the funeral are a testament to the grace-filled way in which he touched the lives of so many people.
At this time of great emotion, I would like to remind you of the advice that Fr. Valery himself often gave to those mourning the loss of a loved one. Two simple words: "Keep going!" And can't you just hear him exhorting us to be joyful and to not give in to sadness or, even worse, despondency?!
How blessed we are to have his books and to have heard his many sermons! For this, let us be grateful to God! His wisdom and inspiration will guide all of us on our path to salvation!
My dear ones, God has blessed the clergy of this parish to be your leaders. But we can't do it without your support. We must all come together as a family - worship as a family and work together for this parish and for each other. Many challenges lie ahead for each of us and for our parish. But let us stay strong in our Faith, pray together and always remember "the one thing needful"! In this, we will find great joy in the Lord and the path to eternal life.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Serge
Funeral of Father Valery | Отпевание отца Валерия
May 29 | 29 мая
"A Triumph of Orthodoxy" – Funeral for Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov - CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
«Торжество Православия». В Св. Александро-Невском соборе прошли похороны протопресвитера Валерия Лукьянова - НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи и фотографий.
Parish School Graduation | Выпускной акт приходской школы
May 19 | 19 марта
A year-end moleben in the cathedral was followed by the graduation ceremony and a picnic. Everyone had an enjoyable day despite the rainy weather. Congratulations to our graduating class!
The Leavetaking of Pascha | Отдание Пасхи
May 15th-16th | 15-16 марта
On Tuesday, May 15th, the eve of the Leavetaking of Pascha, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan prayed at the evening divine service in St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral, and on the following morning celebrated Divine Liturgy.
CLICK HERE for an article and photos.
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Divine Liturgy | Божественная литургия
May 13 | 13 марта
Maestro Vladimir Gorbik conducts the male choir and the Russian School children sing.
Metropolitan Hilarion leads the Patronal Feast day of St. George Church
May 5-6
The Feast of Mid-Pentecost - Water Blessing in Nevsky Park
May 2
200th anniversary of the birth of Tsar Alexander II "the Liberator"
День рождения Государя императора Александра ІІ "Освободителя"
April 29th | 29 апреля
With the blessing of the cathedral’s rector, Metropolitan Hilarion, cathedral parishioners walked in procession to the Park of Glory after Liturgy, singing the Paschal troparion and irmoi of the Paschal canon. At the monument to the Tsar-Liberator, cathedral cleric Archpriest Boris Slootsky served a panihida, joined by visiting clergy. CLICK HERE to read the article.
С благословением настоятеля собора митрополита Илариона, после Литургии прихожане собора прошли крестным ходом в Парк Славы, спевая Пасхальный тропарь и ирмосы Пасхального канона. У памнятника Царю-Освободителю клирик собора прот. Борис Слуцкий с приехавшим духовенством отслужили панихиду. НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ для статьи.
Holy Days of Pascha
Holy Week | Страстная неделя
Paschal Preparations | Пасхальная подготовка
The Laudation of the Theotokos | Похвала Пресвятой Богородицы
March 24 | 24 марта
Sunday of the Cross and Diocesan Clergy Conference
March 11-14
The divine services for the Sunday of the Cross, March 10-11, were particularly eventful and joyous at St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral. The services were led by His Grace, Bishop Nikolai (Soraich), and held under the aegis of the myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God “Softener of Evil Hearts.” Read more...
Богослужения в неделю Крестопоклонную, 10-11 марта, в Св. Александро-Невском соборе в Ховелле, шт. Нью-Джерси, были особенно насыщены радостными событиями. Богослужения, которые прошли под покровом мироточивой иконы Божией Матери «Умягчение злых сердец», возглавлял епископ Николай (Сораич). Читать дальше...
On Wednesday, March 14, the Lenten Retreat for clergy of the Eastern American Diocese and the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA concluded with the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Read more...
В среду, 14 марта, великопостное говение духовенства Восточно-Американской епархии и Патриарших приходов в США завершилось Литургией Преждеосвященных Даров. Читать дальше...
Theophany of Our Lord | Крещение Господне
January 19 | 19 января
On Monday, January 15th, the feast of the Repose and Second Finding of the Relics of Venerable Seraphim, Wonderworker of Sarov, and the anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov celebrated Divine Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral. Read more...
В понедельник, 15 января, в праздник преставления и второго обретения мощей преп. Серафима Саровского, чудотворца, и в годовщину своей пресвитерской хиротонии, протопр. Валерий Лукьянов возглавил Божественную литургию в Св. Александро-Невском кафедральном соборе. Читать дальше...
The Nativity of Our Lord | Рождество Христова
January 7 | 7 января